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Jiangshan guangda Elevator Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel:86-0570-4013168 4888556
Address:No.18 Jianghe Road,Hushan Street,Jiangshan City,China
Current location: News
- Everbright elevator price is very favorable[2018-04-22]
- The brand belongs to the domestic level agent of the elevator and the price of the first hand does not transfer. Therefore, the price is very favorable. And the stock is also more than enough inventory, 24-hour stock, orders can be shipped, the service is very good, very fast.
- Jiangshan Everbright Elevator, the most trusted partner[2018-04-22]
- For many years of cooperation with Everbright, we have always maintained a very harmonious cooperative relationship. Everbright's service is very good. Feedback from all parties is very timely. This is where I fancy, and the biggest feature of Everbright is that the accessories are full, basically I Rarely need to go to other places to buy accessories.
- 电梯设备安全生产责任制[2018-04-22]
- 被困电梯怎么办?[2018-04-22]
- 消防人员提醒,一旦被困电梯内,成功脱困的最好途径是合理控制情绪,科学分配体力,耐心等待救援。最好的方法就是按下电梯内部的紧急呼叫按钮,这个按钮会跟值班室或者监视中心连接。如果报警没有引起值班人员注意,或者呼叫按钮也失灵了,最好用手机拨打报警电话求援。如果适逢停电,或者手机在电梯内没有信号,这个时候务必要镇静,保持体力,伺机待援。在狭窄闷热的电梯里待援的过程中,要把铺在电梯轿厢地面上的地毯卷起来,将底部的通风口暴露出来,达到最好的通风效果,然后大声向外面呼喊,以引起过往行人的注意。如果喊得口干舌燥仍没有人前来搭救,就
- To ensure the safety of the elevator[2018-04-22]
- Executive summary: China is currently the world's largest newly installed elevator market, elevator production country and user country. It is expected that by the end of 2013, China
- Jiangshan Everbright Elevator Technology Co., Ltd. website has been completely redesigned![2018-04-22]
- Jiangshan Everbright Elevator Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly Jiangshan Everbright Elevator Parts Factory) is a hi-tech enterprise specializing in R&D, manufacturing and sales of elevator safety components.